Saturday, July 2nd
The Crusade staff took us over to a Korean couple who moved to Hyderabad on Mission 6 years ago to minister to Indians. His name is David. Crusade planned us to meet them, so we get some information from them on, being a foreigner, how it would be to minister to local Indians.
It is a cute little house that they live in. They are planning on turning that house into a Waldorf School. When we walked into their compound, he and his wife were working on their garden. They were laying down some grass, planting some flowers and vegetable garden. They have a 3 year old cute daughter. David helps with Church planting wing of Campus Crusade.
Keith asked him few questions. Based on the answers David gave, two questions caught my attention.
1. What is one challenging aspect that David faces/faced in ministering to Indians in India?
His answer:
First of all, we need to have a heart of Jesus for the people here to minister. Jesus died for us. And, are we willing to die for others in Him?
One of the biggest challenges is that we could easily get angry with these people here. The grass guy said that he would be here by 8am, but it’s almost 10 and he is not here yet. Construction guy said that he would be here by 9am, but he is not here yet. How would I react to that? I would easily get angry on them.
2. One of the things that we were talking last night was that there are so many needs here in India. We can’t try to meet all the needs. So, what particular need that you took up in your 6 year ministry to focus on?
His answer:
I believe there is only one need. There are many needs. But, right here, in India, everything is available to meet all those needs. But, only few people are holding all those resources while many others are lacking. People’s hearts are becoming more and more stubborn. The only need they have is the light of God. Under the light of God, they could let go of things which would meet the needs of all others. I strongly believe we need more revivals to come here.
Few other things he talked about are:
There are around 625000 villages, in which, the number of villages that have at least one Christian are around 40000. There are still hundreds of thousands of villages who don’t have any Christians which means the Gospel was never brought to. Even though, percentagewise, the Christian community is still small in India, in number, it is equal to the whole population of Korea. That population could make a huge impact. In 1900s, there was a big revival in Northern part of India for Christianity, and, since then it’s like a wave, comes and goes, so, 21st century is due for a big revival in Souther part and throughout India. And, David wants to be part of that fire by the Holy Spirit.
He says that he and his family love the culture, family values and how religious people here in India are. So, when they come to Christ, they are all in. Being a Korean and grew up in an environment like, one language and one nation, one of their biggest challenges was the several languages and several nations like different cultures atmosphere here. First thing they did was becoming fluent in English, and then learning Telugu. He and his wife, like my wife, can speak few Telugu words and could form little sentances, and, his daughter could speak Telugu very well.
Also, he has a close friend who stays in Khammam and runs an orphanage and a church.
In that evening, we attended a youth fellowship in a Baptist church. It is college age group and young working singles. They have a great worship band and played some Chris Tomlin songs and some Telugu hymns. Then, we played a fun game. After that, I shared my Testimony which was followed by a message by Keith. It was encouraging to me to know that few of the youth could relate to my Testimony and be encouraged. I’m asked to share my Testimony again in one of the Churches’ Sunday service tomorrow. Keith gave a great message on what it means to be a disciple. I think that’s a great topic that youth need to be taught.
I don't know what God is doing in me, but, I never thought of the comfort that I feel here now through all this great Christian community. Before I left India, I shared about my discomfort around fellow Indians, especially, with sharing Gospel. Not even once, I felt that here so far. I'm very happy and excited for God revealing His Work that He is doing here through bringing many dedicated believers along in our walk in this trip.
Thank you very much for all your Prayers. Thank you very much for partnering with me and being with me here in Spirit.
I discovered my motivation factor in Christ. It is Eternity. While I'm excited for living with all these great people in Christ eternally, the thought of eternal seperation for many greives my heart, makes me long for the lost, and keeps me growing.
In the end, it's the matter of whether we TRUELY believe what Bible says:
Hebrews 2:2-4 - "For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will."
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